Thursday, October 6, 2011

Kids say the darndest things part...whatever

Last night we were watching Survivor, which has become the only show on TV we all watch as a family.  Kristina was lamenting her horrible existence as a mom, which was played out to her exact script moments earlier on The Middle, when the mom eats some of the teenage son's toenails, thinking they were a snack, then runs away.

As she parlayed that episode into affection for the elder stateswoman Diane on Survivor, she mentioned she could do something if it were for a million dollars, which prompted this little commentary from Niko...

Niko: What do you need a million dollars for?  Daddy has a million dollars. (clearly he doesn't see my paystubs).  And if you needed money you could always just ask BahPoo, anyway.  He's a Selectman.

Yes, Niko.  Bahpoo IS a Selectman in Acton ME, where I am sure if it isn't a volunteer position, they probably pay a few scheckles per year.

Cracks me up...