Monday, January 9, 2006

From the archives.... December 2005

(My post to Father’s Forum back in December 2005- found it on the computer and decided I would share!)
Of course posting this here doesn't get sympathy, just a few understanding nods, but here goes...

In September I went under the knife for a double discectomy/fusion, which left DW struggling with the three trips (at 8 months getting very heavy, btw) and 2.5 y/o DD (now in her full blown 'cuteness to little devil in 1.2 seconds' mode)... We have a dog skunking thrown in for good measure, and I am quite sure by the smell that this skunk had either just defecated or was near death.  As I near recovery, DD has her 3rd febrile seizure.   Thankfully this didn't faze the new Mother's Helper, who responded cooly, "just go take care of her, I'll be fine" home with the trips by herself.  Crissakes we don't even do that to people we LIKE!   We respond by getting serious about the seizure thing, getting her right into Children's Hospital for a three day stay (which of course leaves DW in there too, and me commuting between Superdad mode - not quite recovered yet, mind you - and running into the hospital)...turns out after X-Rays,  CAT scans, EEG's, MRI's etc., DD is fine...Mother's Helper is still getting electroshock therapy.

Last week we go to a XMAS cookie party (where about 30 toddlers take turns putting their fingers in frosting, on cookies, on themselves, etc.) and I come home and get the serious sh*ts.  DD... the next day...of course she isn't potty trained yet and this stuff just pours right through the diapers seams, down her leg, staining her sox and leaving her standing in a brown puddle..."POOP EMERGENCY!" DW yells, as the Xmas tree, still missing a FF ornament from last years "exchange", comes crashing to the floor.   Well that got cleaned up (the brown mess, too) and we go to sleep.

later, I wake up covered in hives and drive myself to the emergency room...seems like I walk in the hospital now and they say "Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening, Mr Lutz...what can we do for you today...?"   Between the trips, my surgery, and DD's visits, we've had to amass a quarter of a mill in medical expenses this year.  Hives went away the next day.  Vasectomy is next week.

Through all this I can honestly say it's been the best year if my life... (of course the Pats and Sox winning didn't hurt)...Merry XMas to all and to all a good night!

(Editor's footnote: still haven't had that vasectomy!)

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