Thursday, April 21, 2011


Last night was the first soccer practice.  Kristina is dead set against anything soccer related, and personally it is number 9 or 10 of sports I can even tolerate.  But it is easy to get kids involved, Gunnar has already had some experience with it, and Nick-Nock from down the street was enrolled, so I signed the boys up and volunteered to coach.  And with youth sports being what they are these days, I can't pull up to the curb, let my kids out, and come back an hour later, or worse, have them catch a ride home with another player or coach.  It used to happen more than you'd think when I was coaching basketball.  What are parent's thinking?  He'll be alright?  I hope the coach isn't a child molester?  I'll catch his games another day/time when I don't have so many things to do? How about we make a rule: if you aren't going to watch every practice and game possible (yes, I have a job, too), then don't sign him/her up.

So Kristina's maternal instincts (and peer pressure from Dena) outweigh her distaste for a game involving much running back and forth and, unlike her chosen sport of basketball, too little of the ball hitting the net.  She comes to the field.  Which is great because the kids don't give me nearly enough grief, so she is there to help with that, along with trying to set up Dominic's old klugey soccer nets.

Six kids can cause a small bit of chaos (hell, we know from experience that 4 can, right?) and I have a modicum of soccer chops, so practice is s bit 'furry'.  One kid called me "Gramps", which I thought was a bit uncalled for.  Although my gray is showing, my waistline isn't nearly up to my shirt pocket, I did not have black socks with my sneakers,  and not once did I call anyone "sonny", even though 2 of the players are in fact my sons.  I called him on it with a loud "whadja say?" and he backed off, although his dad heard from the sidelines, and of course knows his son is a punk.  

We have 3 Nicholas', which makes learning the names easier, but directing practice harder.  "NICHOLAS!"
"Which one?"
But all in all, I think everyone had a good time, the kids got tired, and, as an added bonus for 8 year old boys but not so great for some of their moms, Walker Playground is a hotspot for big huge slimy worms.

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